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Chris Hubbard, Chamber of Commerce, spoke about decent <br />housing that people could afford, and about a land use mix that <br />should be encouraged. He stressed that the Board should make sure <br />all elements of the community have a place in which tb live. Mr. <br />Hubbard felt it was important to consider having the necessary <br />services nearby, if possible. He urged the Board to focus their <br />attention on trying to supply affordable housing. <br />Bob Fleckenstein pointed out that people are bringing many <br />things into the density question that do not belong there. He <br />then spoke about the current high interest rate, which was why people <br />could not afford housing any more. Mr. Fleckenstein objected to <br />the sleight of hand methods being used and hoped that sanity would <br />prevail. <br />David Nolte, Property Appraiser, read from an article in <br />the New York Times printed last Sunday. The article stated that if <br />we do.not provide houses that our employees can afford, higher salaries <br />would have to be paid to -them. <br />The Chairman called for the question. It was voted on and <br />carried 4 to 1, with Commissioner Fletcher voting in opposition. <br />Motion was made by Commissioner Scurlock, seconded by Com- <br />missioner Fletcher, that the Board designate the remaining environ- <br />mentally sensitive areas to RR -1, and that the Planning staff come <br />up with the criteria within the plan, notwithstanding the previous <br />Motion. <br />rights. <br />Commissioner Wodtke expressed concern about the development <br />Lengthy discussion ensued. <br />The Chairman called for the question. It was voted on <br />and carried 4 to 1, with Commissioner Wodtke voting in opposition. <br />Jackie Sypar came before the Board regarding the LD -2 area <br />south of S.R. 60 to the South Relief Canal. She read the 1953 <br />restrictions which called for two houses per acre, and stated she <br />would like to keep it that way. <br />BOOK 47 PAGE 746 <br />