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Commissioner Bird questioned the number of paid <br />employees at St. Francis, and Mr. Zorc replied that they <br />have an administrator, who is paid $4.00 an hour, a part <br />time social director, and part time yard and maintenance <br />help. <br />Mr. DeGenero again urged that the Board not insult <br />these people's dignity with a hand-out. He pointed out that <br />Mr. Zorc did not answer the question as to how much rent he <br />collects from these apartments. <br />Mr. Zorc felt that whether= -this is a hand-out is <br />debatable since the County does support many community <br />organizations, and St. Francis simply would be getting back <br />a lease factor they should not be paying. As to a rent <br />schedule, Mr. Zorc reported that in nine years they have had <br />only one rent increase and some of the older apartments <br />still rent at $110.00 monthly. In the newest building, the <br />base rent factor is $140.00 for a small apartment and <br />$160.00 for the larger, plus a utility charge of $15.00 a <br />month. He emphasized that although they collect rent, they <br />are non-profit. <br />Chairman Lyons stated that he planned to vote for the <br />Motion not on the basis that it is a gift, but because he <br />felt $1.00 a year is more appropriate and in line with other <br />facilities leased by the county, and this is the only <br />mechanism we have to achieve this. <br />Mr. DeGenero argued that both the County and Mr. Zorc <br />are breaking a contract, and he urged that the Board table <br />this matter to see if the community will help. <br />Commissioner Bird stated that he would vote in favor of <br />the Motion in order to assist St. Francis Manor in their <br />meals program the same as we assist various other <br />organizations such as Spouse Abuse, for example, and further <br />noted that we offered the Humane Society a lease for $1.00 a <br />year. <br />QEG <br />161991 13 BOOK 48 PAU32 <br />