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Finance Director Barton stated that if there are no <br />additional change orders, and we pay the existing contract, <br />we should have approximately $300,000 left over. Once the <br />construction is completed, these funds can be transferred to <br />any other legal on-going project. He then informed the <br />Board that we do not have a budget account this year for <br />furniture and fixtures, and this should be rebudgeted. <br />Discussion ensued as to the Board's feeling that these <br />funds should be identified in some way so they do not become <br />a general "grab-bag." t - <br />Administrator Nelson reported that we have a request <br />from the Sheriff amounting to about $12,000; we need to put <br />in a safe for the Tax Collector; and also we need to get a <br />word processor for the new County Attorney. He felt that <br />about $50,000 will be needed for re-establishment of that <br />account. <br />Finance Director Barton recommended that the Board <br />first authorize transferring the $167,000 expended back to <br />Federal Revenue Sharing and then appropriate the funds <br />needed for renovation. <br />Intergovernmental Coordinator Thomas explained that <br />while there is no provision in the new bond issue to furnish <br />the jail, once these funds are returned to Federal Revenue <br />Sharing, they can be used for that purpose. <br />On Motion by Commissioner Scurlock, seconded by <br />Commissioner Bird, the Board unanimously authorized the <br />recommended transfer of $167,000 back to Federal Revenue <br />Sharing to replace those funds borrowed to pay for furniture <br />and fixtures in anticipation of receiving financing, and <br />directed the Finance Director to prepare the appropriate <br />budget amendment. <br />Finance Director Barton suggested that once the <br />transfer of the $167,000 is accomplished, $70,000 could be <br />earmarked for the Jail and $50,000 should be designated for <br />additional <br />furniture and fixtures for the Courthouse <br />and <br />DE 16 <br />198, <br />7 <br />