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2) The Commission needs to hold two meetings. The first meeting <br />should be on Febuary 10, 1982 at 9:00 A.M. This will be <br />a workshop meeting in which the public would be informed of the <br />impact of the FIRM revisions. The public will be given an <br />opportunity to ask questions and will be given instructions <br />on the appeal process. <br />The second meeting should be held on March 3, 1982 at 3:00 P.M. <br />This will be a public hearing where all appeals will be <br />presented. At this meeting the County will determine whether <br />to appeal the map or to forward the individual appeals to <br />the FEMA. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Staff requests Commission authorization to proceed with the implement- <br />ation of the aforementioned. <br />On Motion by Commissioner Fletcher, seconded by <br />Commissioner Lyons, the Board unanimously authorized the <br />staff to proceed with implementation of the items set out in <br />the memorandum of January 13, 1982 regarding the New 100 <br />Year Flood Rate Map (FIRMS). <br />Bid Recommendation #107 <br />The Board reviewed Bid Recommendation #107 as <br />follows: <br />TO: Board of County Corin-in <br />I- <br />FROM: Neil A. Nelson <br />Cot.inty administrator <br />DATE: December 21, 1981 F! LE: <br />SUBJECT: Bid Reco,,,rlendaticn - IRC -107 <br />RE FERENICES: <br />1. A public meeting vias held at 11:00 A.H,, December 7, 1931 in the County Adnini= <br />trator's Office, 2345 14th Ave., Vero Beach, Fl. This sleeting vias adverLiseJVi.n <br />the Press Journal on Nove., ber 10, ll,. 12, 13, 14 & 15, 1981. The purpose of fall s <br />meeting .•ras to open and record the fol uviing bid: <br />IRC X107 - (1) One Ton Crm-,, Cab Pickup Truck •- 8 Cylinder <br />2. 15 Bid Proposals G -sere sent.out, 3 ti -:ere received (2 were No Bids). <br />Ft. Pierce Dodge S9JH.90 <br />Velde Ford NO 3ID <br />Southside Ford ilO a.p <br />All vendors who :•lege mailed bid proposals -:ere contacted niter the bid opening to <br />deterl,ine t•rhy they did not subrit bids. <br />JAN 2 0 198Z <br />42 WK 48 PAGE 596 <br />