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Motion was made by Commissioner Bird, seconded by <br />Commissioner Lyons, that the Board accept Alternate Three in <br />the memo from C. B. Hardin of May 10, 1982. <br />A brief discussion followed, and it was determined that <br />a representative from the Sheriff's Department and a <br />representative from the County would meet within 30 days and <br />review the procedures for the issuance of permits for <br />concealed weapons, and that the moratorium be extended until <br />the matter is settled. <br />Commissioner Wodtke offered to act as the County <br />representative and work with the Sheriff's Department in <br />this regard. <br />The Chairman called for the question. It was voted on <br />and carried unanimously, with Commissioner Fletcher being <br />temporarily out of the Chambers. <br />PROPOSED ORDINANCE REGARDING "KTW" AMMUNITION <br />On Motion made by Commissioner Lyons, seconded by <br />Commissioner Bird, the Board unanimously authorized the <br />Attorney to advertise for a public hearing regarding the <br />proposed ordinance prohibiting the possession of a teflon <br />coated handgun or firearm ammunition currently sold under <br />the brand name "KTW." <br />CONSENT ORDER FOR TREASURE COAST UTILITIES <br />Attorney Brandenburg requested that•no action be taken <br />on the matter regarding the Consent Order for Treasure Coast <br />Utilities, as he was not comfortable with one of the <br />provisions. He advised that he would bring it back to the <br />Board once he has worked out the provision. <br />QUAY DOCK ROAD <br />Attorney Brandenburg explained the following memorandum <br />dated May 11, 1982: <br />MAY 2.6 1982 <br />