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se <br />with it in the future; and he did not want to see it tied up <br />in legalities. <br />Commissioner Lyons personally had no problem with some <br />limitations on the use of the property since he did not <br />believe we want that road to be the terminus of a road going <br />across the river. <br />Chairman Scurlock also did not anticipate us <br />constructing.major improvements or a new traffic pattern <br />across the river, such as the 17th Street Bridge, but <br />believed we do need the ability to put in a nature trail and <br />possibly some structure to overlook the river. <br />Discussion continued re language to achieve this end. <br />Commissioner Fletcher and Commissioner Lyons restated <br />their previous Motion to approve the proposal set out in <br />Attorney Brandenburg's letter of May 11, 1982, as modified <br />by Mr. Wodtke's suggested wording that the area between the <br />terminus of the road and the Indian River be left in its <br />present state as much as possible and any improvements would <br />be made in keeping with the natural and historical character <br />of the property. <br />Chairman Scurlock called for the question. It was <br />voted on and carried unanimously. <br />DISCUSSION RE TAKE OVER OF BUILDING DEPARTMENT <br />Chairman Scurlock noted that the proposed County <br />take-over of the Building Department has been discussed for <br />quite a few years. He reported that Carolyn Long of Long <br />Associates, Inc., now has done a study in regard to the <br />proposed take-over, which he has reviewed, and, in addition, <br />he talked to the Treasure Coast Builders Association last <br />week and 'encouraged input from the building trades so that <br />when we do make this transfer, it can be done in an orderly <br />way. The Chairman believed that whenever this does take <br />place, .it should coincide with the start of a new budget <br />year. <br />MAY 2 6 1882 <br />31 <br />BOX �� WE 008 <br />