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177 <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Scurlock, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner Lyons, the <br />Board unanimously -authorized the Finance <br />Advisory Committee not to exceed 60 days in <br />working with the architect and Public Works <br />Director Davis to come up with a number of <br />figures to base a decision on for moving ahead <br />with the jail facility. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Scurlock, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner Lyons, to authorize <br />Director Jim Davis to be the focal point for <br />receiving any and all proposed sites, these <br />sites to be channeled from him to the architect <br />and then to the Commission, with an analysis of <br />the pros and cons, including the cost figures. <br />Under discussion Commissioner Wodtke suggested that if <br />a piece of property did not include utilities, that Mr. <br />Davis generate some figures to adequately provide those <br />services. <br />Administrator Wright asked if we would be doing a <br />feasibility check in the selection of proposed sites in <br />regard to whether the site would meet a sewage treatment <br />plant, etc. Mr. Pinkerton stated that they would be looking <br />at that and they have a check list that would be applied to <br />proposed sites. <br />Mr. Pinkerton felt that it would be far better to <br />narrow the proposed sites down to some specific number such <br />as three and give them the opportunity first to work out all <br />details with Mr. Davis to be sure they tally up to the <br />objective before presenting them to the Commission. <br />23 <br />acox 53 <br />