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MAR 7 1984 6a©K 56 pAct31.6 <br />DISCUSSION RE REQUEST BY MENTAL HEALTH CENTER TO INTERVENE <br />IN LAWSUIT WITH DISTRICT BOARD <br />Attorney Brandenburg felt that the County has a <br />definite interest in the lawsuit in which the Community <br />Mental Health Center is involved with Mental Health District <br />Board No. 9 since we fund over $100,000 for mental health <br />services directly out of our budget. The District Board has <br />not sent us any plan of action as to how it will provide <br />these services if the local board is defunded, and he <br />therefore, believed it would be to the County's interest to <br />monitor this lawsuit to make sure we get our money's worth <br />out of the funds we send to the District Board. The <br />Attorney noted that there has been a long standing argument <br />as to how these funds are distributed, and the County should <br />be involved to protect our own interests as they are <br />substantial. <br />Commissioner Lyons expressed concern that we do not <br />have enough communication with the local board to know what <br />is really going on in this whole affair and stated that he <br />would feel more comfortable if the Chairman of the local <br />board would give the Commission a full report as to what is <br />being done about health services, etc., and also about the <br />various allegations that have been made. Commissioner Lyons <br />noted that the only communication we have ever had in this <br />regard came from Mr. Ashcraft, and he would like to hear <br />from those who hired him. He emphasized that he personally <br />has trouble getting involved in this lawsuit at all. <br />Chairman Scurlock agreed that we do have interests as a <br />County, but he did not want any intervention interpreted as <br />,pupport of either the local or district board. <br />Commissioner Wodtke also agreed that we should not <br />intervene on the behalf of the local center, but felt we <br />must keep informed as to what has happened to the services <br />for the people in our county. He noted that he recently has <br />38 <br />