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DESCRIPTION & CONDITIONS <br />The applicant, John Luther, part owner and agent for the <br />other owners, South Grove Associates, requests to <br />redesignate 106.52 acres located between 12th and 16th <br />Streets and one-quarter mile west of 74th Avenue from RR -1, <br />Rural Residential 1 (up to .4 units/acre), to LD -1, <br />Low -Density 1 (up to 3 units/acre). <br />The applicant proposes to develop this property for <br />single-family homes on one acre or one-half acre lots <br />sometime in the future. <br />On February 23, 1984, the Planning and Zoning Commission <br />voted 5 -to -0 to recommend approval of this request. <br />ALTERNATIVES & ANALYSIS <br />In this section, an analysis of the reasonableness of the <br />application will be presented. The analysis will include a <br />description of the current and future land uses --of the site <br />and surrounding areas, potential impacts on the <br />transportation and utility systems, and any significant <br />adverse impacts on environmental quality. <br />Existing Land Use Pattern <br />The subject property is undeveloped and zoned A, <br />Agricultural District (up to .2 units/acre). Several years <br />ago, the subject property contained an active citrus grove. <br />West of the subject property are two, single-family homes <br />and the Life for Youth Ranch. The land south of the subject <br />property is devoted to pasture land and citrus groves. <br />There is vacant land immediately east of the subject <br />property and citrus groves further east. North of the <br />subject property are citrus groves. <br />Future Land Use Pattern <br />The Comprehensive Plan designates the subject property and <br />the land immediately east, south, and west of it (all <br />located in Section 12, Township 31 South, Range 38 East) as <br />RR -1, Rural Residential 1 (up to .4 units/acre). The lands <br />north of the subject property and the lands one-quarter mile <br />west of the subject property are designated as MD -1, Medium <br />Density Residential 1 (up to 8 units/acre). Based on the <br />proximity of the subject property to the 'lands designated <br />MD -1, it appears reasonable to allow a maximum density for <br />the subject property which would be higher than that allowed <br />by the RR -1 designation. <br />The land one-half mile south of the subject property is <br />designated as AG, Agricultural (up to .2 units/acre), on the <br />land use plan. At the present time, a five acre parcel of <br />land located one-half mile south of the subject property <br />could have one dwelling unit; a five acre parcel of the <br />subject property could have two units; and a five acre <br />parcel immediately north of the subject property could have <br />up to 40 units. <br />26 <br />.APR 4 1984 Boa 56 PAcE5:37 <br />