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ON MOTION by Commissioner Wodtke, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner Bird, the Board <br />unanimously (4-0) closed the Public Hearing. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Lyons, <br />SECONDED by Commissioner Wodtke, the Board <br />unanimously (4-0) adopted Ordinance 84-16, <br />approving the request by Total Care Systems, <br />Inc. to rezone 100.4 acres from Agricultural <br />District and Multiple Dwelling District to <br />R -3A, Retirement District. <br />Commissioner Bird mentioned that he had the opportunity <br />to meet with the people from Total Care and see some of <br />their work and would challenge them to provide a project in <br />Indian River County of comparable, exceptional quality. <br />Chairman Scurlock suggested that consideration be given <br />to helping Total Care obtain an industrial revenue bond, <br />which would provide a municipal interest rate for the <br />project. <br />Commissioner Wodtke had learned during his recent trip <br />to Washington that there is a pretty strong move on to do <br />away with the tax exempt status on industrial revenue bonds. <br />THE CHAIRMAN CALLED FOR THE QUESTION. <br />The Motion was voted on and carried <br />unanimously (4-0). <br />34 <br />4 BOOK 56' PAGE 545 <br />APR 4 11984 <br />