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I <br />DEC 12 198 aooK 59 F°,G <br />2) Accepting applications twice per year, in <br />January and in June, if conditions warrant; <br />3) Accepting applications twice a year, in <br />January and in July; <br />4) Accepting applications quarterly. <br />5) Accepting applictions twice a year, in January and in <br />July, but with extra review time available. <br />No Change <br />The County could retain its current policy of accepting <br />applications once a year during the first two weeks of January. <br />In adopting its Comprehensive Plan, the County incorporated a <br />provision within the document which limits the consideration of <br />Comprehensive Plan amendment requests to once per year at the <br />beginning of the calendar year. This provision indicates that <br />amending the Plan is an action which should not be encouraged. <br />While a Plan should not be competely inflexible, it must be <br />constant, comprehensive, and must serve as a guide for future <br />development. As such, proposed changes in the Plan must be <br />assessed for effects upon other elements of the Plan. <br />For that reason, it is advantageous to review all Comprehensive <br />Plan amendment requests in the same time frame, not only to <br />determine their separate effects but also their cumulative <br />impacts. <br />Generally, amending the Plan must be viewed as a more drastic <br />action than changing other County ordinances. Since the <br />Comprehensive Plan was developed, based upon various studies <br />and analyses which identified existing conditions, determined <br />present trends, and projected future conditions, the Plan <br />constitutes a document which reflects a development policy <br />designed to meet future needs and address potential problems <br />before they occur. Because of the comprehensive nature of the <br />Plan, itself, as well as its long term focus, certain <br />characteristics must be addressed prior to amending the Plan. <br />The current County policy of limiting Comprehensive Plan <br />amendment requests to once a year, is consistent with actions <br />by other local governments. An example of this is legislation <br />filed at the state level in the past legislative session which <br />would have limited all local governments to annual Plan amend- <br />ments. Another example is Collier County which attempted to <br />limit amendment requests to once every two years. Perhaps the <br />best example of the importance of Comprehensive Plans is <br />Seminole County's former amendment policy; that county formerly <br />required a four-fifths majority vote of its Board of County <br />Commissioners to amend its Plan. <br />When all things are considered, there are many advantages to <br />limiting amendment of the Comprehensive Plan. Instead of <br />allowing the Plan to be subject to the same considerations as <br />any other action, this limitation reflects the Plan's status as <br />a long term guide to growth and development. It allows <br />flexibility while establishing control and consistency, limits <br />attempts to circumvent the Plan's intent, and ensures an <br />adequate review of amendment requests. <br />One problem with only accepting applications during the first <br />two weeks of January is the short amount of time that <br />applications can be accepted. The County might consider <br />extending this period to allow more time to assemble the <br />material necessary to accompany the application. <br />40 <br />M <br />