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7/23/2015 11:50:26 AM
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6/12/2015 10:01:01 AM
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- M <br />Accepting Applications Twice a Year With Conditions <br />The County could continue accepting applications in January <br />and, in addition, accept applications in June if certain <br />conditions are met. Prior to June 1, individuals requesting a <br />Comprehensive Plan amendment would submit a simple written <br />request to be allowed to submit an amendment application. The <br />request would include a brief description of the size and <br />location of the property and one or more reasons why the <br />individual feels that a change in the land use designation of <br />the property should be considered. <br />The Planning Department would do a brief analysis of the <br />requests based on the following criteria to determine if: <br />1) A major change in conditions had occurred in <br />the area around the subject property (such as <br />new development that was considerably more <br />intense than the development that would be <br />permitted on the subject property); or <br />2) An oversight occurred when the Plan was <br />originally prepared (such as not properly <br />assessing the existing land use pattern in <br />the area around the subject property). <br />If either of these conditions could be met, the Planning <br />Department would recommend that the County accept a <br />Comprehensive Plan amendment application for the subject <br />property. Regardless of the Planning Department's recommenda- <br />tion, all requests to submit applications would be considered <br />by the Board of County Commissioners at their last June meeting. <br />Applicants whose requests were granted by the Board could <br />submit applications during July which would then proceed <br />through the standard amendment process. <br />Accepting Applications Twice a Year <br />Another alternative is accepting applications twice a year in <br />January and in July without any pre -submitted conditions having <br />to be met. An advantage to this alternative over the previous <br />alternative is that individuals would not have to submit a <br />written request to file an amendment application and get it <br />approved. A disadvantage is that there would be no limit to <br />the number of amendment applications that could be submitted. <br />Accepting Applications Quarterly <br />A fourth alternative is to accept Comprehensive Plan amendment <br />applications on a quarterly basis, such as in January, April, <br />July, and October. The advantage of this alternative is that <br />an individual would not have to wait up to six months or a year <br />to apply for an amendment to the Land Use Plan. If an individ- <br />ual missed the deadline for submission one month, there would. <br />only be a two month wait before applications could be submitted <br />again. <br />The disadvantage to this alternative (or allowing amendments <br />more often than quarterly) is that the Comprehensive Plan would <br />no longer be a long-range Land Use Plan but would be little <br />better than a zoning map. <br />Accepting Applications Twice a Year with Extended Review Time <br />This alternative is similar to alternatives 2 and 3 in that <br />applications would be accepted twice a year. While <br />41 <br />D E C 12, 1984 59 <br />
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