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BOOK 59 PAGE 194 <br />applications would be accepted in January and reviewed <br />expeditiously, this alternative would allow for a longer review <br />period for some applications received in July if the staff felt <br />that the particular application(s) would result in a major <br />change in the land use plan or otherwise required a lengthy <br />staff analysis. While most applications could be reviewed in a <br />couple of weeks, some applications could be for large parcels <br />of land which would affect not only the subject property but <br />also could affect large areas around them. This would require <br />extensive staff time to review and analyze the potential <br />impacts. The advantages of this alternative are that it would <br />allow individuals to submit applications twice a year, and the <br />staff would have additional time to review complex amendment <br />applications submitted in July. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />The Planning and Zoning Commission voted to recommend that <br />Comprehensive Plan amendment applications be accepted twice a <br />year in January and July. The Planning Department recommends <br />that the County retain its present policy of allowing the <br />submittal of Comprehensive Plan amendment applications only <br />once a year. However, the staff also recommends that the County <br />extend the application submission period to accept amendment <br />applications throughout the entire month of January instead of <br />just the first two weeks of the month and, if the Board of <br />County Commissioners does decide to follow the Planning & <br />Zoning Commission recommendation, staff recommends that <br />applications be accepted throughout the month of July. <br />Mr. Shearer commented that staff feels it might be difficult <br />to place conditions on applications submitted in the summer, and <br />agreed that if this were to be done twice a year, it should be <br />with no conditions placed on them. The Planning & Zoning <br />Commission was in favor of Alternative 3; the Planning Depart- <br />ment, however would prefer to see applications submitted only in <br />January, but would like the time for submission to be extended <br />throughout January rather than just the first two weeks. If the <br />Board should decide to go with the Planning & Zoning Commission's <br />recommendations of accepting applications in January and July, <br />staff would recommend they be accepted during the entire month of <br />July also. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Wodtke, SECONDED <br />by Commissioner Bird, to authorize staff to <br />initiate whatever action is needed under the <br />Comprehensive Plan to allow for submission of <br />applications for amendment of the Plan twice a <br />year during the entire months of January and July. <br />42 <br />