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M M M <br />Nancy Offutt, speaking for the Board of Realtors, noted that <br />the Realtors first requested a quarterly review, but they have <br />relaxed their position and agree that a semi-annual review is <br />fair. <br />Commissioner Bowman favored submission of applications just <br />once a year during the entire month of January as she felt <br />otherwise it would be a continuing process which would drag <br />through the Planning Department for the whole year. <br />Commissioner Bird felt that once a year is just too long for <br />someone to have to wait in view of the pace at which the County <br />is growing and changing. <br />Chairman Scurlock asked whether Planning would be able to <br />handle the workload with submissions twice a year without having <br />to increase staff. <br />Mr. Shearer noted that the last Comprehensive Plan amendment <br />considered this year was on September 12th, and Planning Director <br />Keating explained the reason for that was that many people who <br />submitted their applications in January, did not have all the <br />required back-up. Staff gave them several months to gather it <br />all together, and also some elements had to undergo review. <br />Chairman Scurlock stated that what he was trying to point <br />out is that even if we do make the change to twice a year, we may <br />not be changing anything from a practical standpoint because of <br />the limitations on staff. <br />Mrs. Offutt believed some of the delay was because people <br />did not prepare sufficiently; she felt that having a whole month <br />to submit instead of just two weeks would help solve that <br />problem. <br />Administrator Wright stated that if it gets to the point <br />where additional staff is required, he will come to the <br />Commission. He noted that right now we are down in personnel and <br />are having a difficult time hiring people. <br />Planning Director Shearer confirmed that he had two staff <br />43 <br />DECFN <br />121994 Bm 59 F,,{,F I,95 <br />