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I <br />subject property is part of the U.S. Highway # 1 MXD, Mixed -Use <br />Corridor (up to 6 units/acre) The MXD District contains a broad <br />mixture of land uses. Permitted uses in this district include <br />residential development, commercial and industrial uses. The Compre- <br />hensive Plan states: <br />"The County shall encourage, where appropriate, <br />redevelopment in accordance with the dominant land <br />use and the health, safety, and welfare of the area <br />residents." <br />The RM -4 zoning is in conformance with the LD -2 and MXD land use <br />designations, and is consistent with the RM -4 zoning northwest of the <br />subject property which allows up to four (4) units per acre. More- <br />over, the proposed rezoning would establish one zoning classification <br />for the subject property, instead of six. <br />Transportation System <br />The subject property has secondary access to Old Dixie Highway (clas- <br />sified as a secondary collector street on the Thoroughfare Plan). One <br />railroad crossing, located 1,000 feet north of the proposed extension <br />for Storm Grove Road provides access to the property. The maximum <br />development of the subject property under RM -4 zoning could attract up <br />to 5,359 average annual daily trips (AADT). The existing traffic <br />count for this section of Old Dixie Highway is 1,100 vehicles per day, <br />which is level -of -service "A". The proposed development will decrease <br />the level -of -service to "B", which is well above the recommended <br />level -of -service "C" in the Comprehensive.Plan. <br />Environment <br />The subject property is not designated as environmentally sensitive <br />nor is it in a flood -prone area. However, the sand ridge runs through <br />the property. It is the staff's opinion that development, which may <br />result from the proposed zoning; will have less impact on the aquifer <br />and on aquifer recharge than development which may be allowed by the <br />existing zoning. <br />TT+ -i I i - 4,M a <br />Neither County sewer nor water is available to the subject property. <br />However, a water line which could be extended to service the subject <br />property exists at 49th Street. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Based on the above analysis,including the Planning and Zoning Commis- <br />sion's recommendation, staff recommends approval. <br />Commissioner Bowman's only question was why they would <br />vacate Pecan Road, and Director Keating believed this would be <br />discussed when the Board considers their application for <br />Conceptual Special Exception approval, which is the next item. <br />Robert Briggs, agent for Vero Sand Pines, stated that he was <br />available to answer any questions, and informed the Board that he <br />did concur with staff. <br />The Chairman asked if anyone present wished to be heard. <br />There were none. <br />31 <br />CT 2X985 �roK '62 *E 39, <br />I <br />