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The new Site Plan Ordinance, which went into effect in mid-June, <br />contains a reserved section entitled "Paved Road Requirements". <br />The County Commission chose to reserve the section until such <br />time as it adopts a formal policy regarding paving. On October <br />31, 1985, a workshop on paving requirements will be held by the <br />Board and the Planning and Zoning Commission. In addition, <br />right-of-way dedication and stormwater management problems <br />within single-family subdivisions will be discussed. <br />At the public hearing adopting the Site Plan Ordinance, the <br />Board instructed the Planning and Development Division to <br />continue its existing paving requirement policy in the interim. <br />As Division policy had been to require developments within a <br />reasonable distance of paved roads to connect, the paving <br />requirement was attached to Mr. Ekonomou's site plan approval. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />Staff recommends that Mr. Ekonomou's appeal be denied, and the <br />Planning and Zoning Commission's conditional site plan approval <br />be upheld. <br />Attorney Gene Roddenberry came before the Board on behalf of <br />Mr. Ekonomou, who is trying to build a 1200 sq, ft. building on a <br />50 x 150 lot in Oslo Park; it will have two parking spaces and it <br />will not be a.big traffic generator. Attorney Roddenberry noted <br />that in the past, staff, in an effort to get the roads paved, has <br />been requiring people to escrow a certain amount of the estimated <br />cost when they go for a C.O.; this works out to about $10.00 a <br />sq. ft. in Oslo Park, and for this particular lot it would amount <br />to $500. On the other hand, it seems staff feels they can <br />require an individual to pave the road if it is within 200 or 300 <br />feet of Oslo Road. Attorney Roddenberry felt the footage is <br />totally arbitrary; Mr. Ekonomou is about 250' from Oslo Road; it <br />will cost him about $10,000 for surfacing and drainage to develop <br />a 1200 sq. ft. warehouse, and the benefit will accrue to other <br />property owners. The Attorney felt the funds should be escrowed <br />rather than the burden being put all on one person, and he <br />believed the present policy is totally vague and capricious. <br />Commissioner Bird asked if Mr. Ekonomou is willing to pay <br />his fair share, or $500, and this was confirmed. <br />Director Keating emphasized that these are all issues that <br />will be discussed in staff's issue paper. He agreed that the <br />policy that staff has had in relation to paving is not a simple <br />one; they have to look at many different factors. Here we <br />37 <br />OCT�9 Bou 62 FADE 486 <br />