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OCT 2 3 1985 <br />BOOK . <br />62 <br />PAGE 487 <br />basically have an area <br />that is zoned industrial, and it <br />is <br />substandard in public facilities with a lot of unpaved roads. <br />Mr. Ekonomou seems to have a monopoly on lots on the one road, <br />and Oslo is the closest paved road. The Comprehensive Plan <br />specifies that before a development can be improved it cannot <br />create an adverse impact on the road system. <br />Commissioner Scurlock noted there is a simple solution <br />available if the Commission wished to pursue it, and that is that <br />the Board has the ability to look at a situation and determine <br />there is enough development in an area to have a mandatory <br />assessment roll. <br />Director Keating noted that is one option staff has <br />identified. <br />Commissioner Bird believed if this was paved all the way <br />through from Oslo to 8th Street S.W., about 22 properties would <br />be participating, but at the $500 per lot, that would only <br />generate about $11,000, If Attorney Roddenberry's figures are <br />accurate, it would cost Mr. Ekonomou $10,000 to pave just 2501. <br />Director Davis stated that the distance Commissioner Bird is <br />referring to is about 660' and the county could pave it for about <br />$11-12,000. If you take a small contract to an independent <br />contractor, you undoubtedly have a higher cost. <br />Commissioner Bird wished to know if we are asking for enough <br />escrow funds for the County to go in and do the paving, and <br />Director Davis stated that $10.00 a foot has been on the upper <br />side of our assessments. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Scurlock, SECONDED <br />by Commissioner Bird, to allow Mr. Ekonomou to put <br />in escrow an amount equal to $10.00 a lineal foot <br />and then ask staff to make a recommendation as to <br />whether we should go to a mandatory paving on this <br />road. <br />38 <br />