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bring in a drainage plan in order to get a building permit. <br />He wondered if a lay person could draw up his own drainage <br />plan, and Director Davis felt that in most cases in a <br />platted subdivision, it will be fairly simple procedure, <br />where the designer simply looks at the lot grades when he <br />builds the house. <br />Chairman Lyons believed that something is going to have <br />to be done to control roof runoff in these small lots, <br />because that is the biggest generator of all. <br />Commissioner Bowman asked if two French drains could <br />handle the roof runoff on a 1000 sq, ft, home, and Director <br />Davis believed it would help in some cases, but not in <br />subdivisions where the soil is poor, such as Rivera Estates. <br />Director Davis believed that it would make things <br />easier to reword Section 25.S on Page 3 of the ordinance to <br />reference impervious surfaces and the pre -development <br />condition. <br />Commissioner Bird suggested that it read, "No <br />stormwater discharge from impervious surfaces on single- <br />family lots to abutting single-family lots shall be <br />allowed." <br />Mr. Tippins wondered about our wisdom in hauling sand <br />off the sand ridge and distributing it to new development <br />all over the county. He wondered if in our great desire to <br />protect our water table and septic tank level, we are at the <br />same instance destroying part of our recharge areas. <br />Mr. Galanis believed we are trying to protect both the <br />level of the water table and the septic tank level as they <br />go hand in hand. <br />Commissioner Bird asked if we could adopt different <br />square footage requirements for different size lots, and <br />Director Davis felt that was what we are doing in the <br />wording that was developed. We are not locking in any <br />specific requirements, but rather giving the options here to <br />7 <br />��aK 62 PnF 593 <br />