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BOOK .63 F,1,E 692 <br />The Chairman called the meeting to order and announced that <br />it is for the purpose of addressing the Administrator's response <br />to the Special Master's Report in the matter of the impasse <br />between the Communications Workers of America and the County. He ­ <br />informed those present that he would ask the Administrator to <br />explain his position and then the Union representative to present <br />the workers' side, after which he would open the meeting to the <br />public. <br />Administrator Wright explained his position as set out in <br />the following letter: <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />1840 25th Street, Vero Beach, Florida 32960 <br />Telephone: (305) 567-8000 <br />January 24, 1986 <br />Florida Public Employees Relations Commission <br />2586 Seagate Drive <br />Turner Building, Suite 100 <br />Tallahassee, FL 32301 <br />Suncom Telephone: 424-1011 <br />Re: Communications Workers of America & Indian River County <br />Contract Impasse: Response to Special Master's Recom- <br />mendation <br />Dear Sir: <br />The County .Administration takes exception to all three <br />recommendations set forth in the Special Master's report. <br />The Special Master recommended a "four percent across <br />the board wage increase on the existing base be provided to <br />all employees within the bargaining unit except those employees <br />who are at the top of their respective pay scales." <br />The County Administration proposes a two percent across <br />the board increase for all employees, including. probationary <br />employees but excluding those employees at the top of their <br />respective pay scale. In addition, the Administration recom- <br />mends a 1.8 percent merit increase for non -probationary employ- <br />ees who most recently have received a "Satisfactory" personnel <br />evaluation; a 2.8 percent merit increase for non -probationary <br />employees who most recently received a "Very Good" personnel <br />evaluation; and a 3.8 percent merit increase for those employees <br />with an "Outstanding" personnel evaluation. Again, the merit <br />pay would not be applicable to those employees who have reached <br />their maximum pay levels. <br />2 <br />