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ON MOTION by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by Com- <br />missioner Bird, the Board unanimously (4-0) approved <br />Supplemental Agreement #1 with Mayes, Suddereth, and <br />Etheridge, Inc., as recommended by staff, authorized <br />the signature of the Chairman, and authorized the <br />Consultant to begin work. <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY OSLO ROAD/20TH AVENUE <br />SITE MASTER PLAN AND PARK USER FEE STUDY AND <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS MASTER PLAN* <br />SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENTA 1 -TO THE MASTER AGREEMENT BETWEEN MAYES, <br />SUDDERETH, AND ETHEREDGE, INC., AND INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />Pursuant to 'the Professional Architectural/Planning services <br />Agreement dated the 16th day. of September, 1986, by and between <br />Indian River County, a political subdivision of the State of <br />Florida, hereinafter referred to as the County, and Mayes, <br />Suddereth, and Etheredge, Inc.' Orlando, Florida, hereinafter <br />referred to as the Architect, this Supplemental Agreement #1 is <br />an extension of and hereby becomes a part of the September 16, <br />1986 agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Master Agreement) <br />as follows: <br />Section I - Project Limits <br />The project for which the Architect will provide supplemental <br />services shall have limits of work generally defined as follows: <br />Part 1 - The County is considering the acquisition of a 20-40 <br />acre tract of land located at the northeast corner of Oslo <br />Road and 20th Avenue. The' limits of the project include <br />that portion of the aforementioned tract which is necessary <br />for the construction of.a Regional South County Park facili- <br />ty and an approximately 15,000 S.F; library which is intend- <br />ed to provide limited library services to the .south county <br />area. <br />Part 2 -All County park land and facilities which are approved <br />by the Indian River County Parks and Recreation Committee <br />and the Indian River County Board of County Commissioners as <br />appropriate for "user fee" application. <br />Part3Design review of thb existing Indian River. County Fairgrounds pla: <br />and design of a future expansion master plan. <br />Basic Services required of .the Architect for the above <br />locations are described in other appropriate sections of the <br />Supplemental Agreement and Master Agreement. <br />Section II - County Obligations <br />In addition to the original County obligations, in the Master <br />Agreement, the County agrees to provide the following informa- <br />tion: <br />Part 1 - a) 1" - 100' scale aerial photograph of the site <br />including a 1"- 200' tax map showing the parcel's to be <br />considered. <br />JAN 6 1987 <br />7 <br />BOOK 6 <br />