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BOOK 69: PAGE 346 <br />Mr. Edsey wished to know with 55 deputies, why they have 150 <br />cars, and Sheriff Dobeck explained that they also have 29 in the <br />investigative unit, 7 in Grove and Ranch, etc., plus 12 cars that <br />are back up. Also, they work under the Indianapolis Plan, where <br />each man has a car to take home. They feel this is an added <br />advantage in responding to calls. <br />Mr. Edsey noted that at present the Sheriff has only one <br />deputy in a car, and he believed having two men in a car would <br />provide more protection for the police. <br />6 <br />Sheriff Dobeck stated that they currently have 11 deputies <br />on each shift, and he asked if Mr. Edsey is saying that he would <br />like to see those men doubled up and only have five cars out <br />there. The zones they have to cover would be tremendous, and he <br />believed one of the big selling points for the City police is a 3 <br />minute response time and not the 5 minute response the Sheriff <br />has. He actually does not believe in doubling up the men in the <br />patrol cars. The men are trained to handle situations and know <br />when to call in for back up. <br />Mr. Edsey stated he could not argue the merits of the <br />Sheriff's statistics, but he did not see the need to start a new <br />division when a decrease in crime has been justified. <br />Sheriff Dobeck pointed out that the reason crime is de- <br />creasing is because the people are spending the tax dollars so <br />the deputies can be seen out there. <br />Mr. Edsey stated that he is not advocating that the Sheriff <br />cut back, just that he not increase, but the Sheriff argued that <br />he has a 24% increase in calls for service. Further when he <br />budgets for the jail, he must go by prisoner population. He <br />budgeted for 225 and we have already exceeded that and are not <br />even in a facility that is acceptable to hold that many. <br />22 <br />