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e Board recessed briefly at 7:15 P.M. and reconvened at <br />7:25 P.M. with the same members present. <br />hairman Scurlock asked if there were any more questions of <br />the S eriff. <br />Or. Menendez noted that the Sheriff has said that he <br />returned $400,000 to the County, and, therefore, it would seem <br />the perhaps he budgeted too much. <br />eriff Dobeck stated that the $400,000 is just a little <br />less than 4% of his overall budget, and a lot of the money being <br />returned this year is in salaries for positions that were <br />unfillable because of not being able to find qualified personnel. <br />Next year they are not increasing that salary budget, but that <br />$400,b00 is in there because they have those certified people on <br />i <br />line and are phasing in all 22 positions this year. <br />. Menendez asked what was done with the $400,000, and OMB <br />Director Baird explained that it is part of the $1,330,000 that <br />showslup in the General Fund revenues, and it goes into off- <br />setting next year's expenses. <br />ere were no further questions of Sheriff Dobeck. <br />enelope Hessen, 138 Anglers Drive, wished to commend Clerk <br />Freda�Wright and pointed out that the Clerk has not asked for any <br />increase. Mrs. Hessen stated that she has had the pleasure of <br />dealing with Mrs. Wright and her staff, and believed she is doing <br />a brillliant and compassionate job. <br />Linda Woodard, 111 15th Ave., was mainly concerned about the <br />debt the county is incurring, what is causing it, and what it is <br />projected to be over the next years. <br />a <br />23 ROOK 69 PACE'.�L� <br />SEP 0 193 <br />