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SES S 1987 <br />BOOK 7 <br />r 69 PA6E.348 <br />Chairman Scurlock advised that we are looking into this <br />right now and will be having a Special Meeting on September 14th <br />to analyze our long term debt situation and go over the entire <br />capital needs for the county. Right now we are projecting <br />approximately 1 mill in the future to service debt, but that may <br />change. It is difficult to talk about the capital needs of the <br />county unless you break it down into categories - those projects <br />that are tax supported and those that are supported through other <br />revenue sources. <br />Mrs. Woodard inquired about Phase III of the County Jail, <br />which is not included in the budget, and OMB Director Baird <br />explained that right now we are in the process of hiring an <br />architect and rather than just adopt a budget, he was going to <br />wait until he could better determine true cost. He explained <br />that the purpose of the Special Meeting on long term debt <br />analysis is to present the whole picture and make the Commission <br />aware of just what we are facing so they will be able to set <br />priorities. <br />Charles Helseth of the Council on Aging noted that he heard <br />it said several times tonight that some of the "non -profits" that <br />were in during the workshop sessions for assistance were not here <br />tonight. The Council on Aging is here tonight, and Mr. Helseth <br />believed the $24,000 increase they were granted will help save <br />the taxpayers money because it allowed them to match with federal <br />funds to increase the size of two vehicles, which kept them from <br />having to hire additional personnel. He reported that their <br />agency last year provided 50,000 rides to seniors who were not <br />able to have transportation, and while he realized they are a <br />small part of the budget, they are a part. <br />The Chairman determined that no one further wished to be <br />heard and declared the hearing on the General Fund closed. <br />24 <br />