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Commissioner Eggert noted that they have the punch list <br />which is very detailed and then came down to very general things <br />and said these would be added to the punch list. One of the <br />things she has been after is the landscaping. Her question was <br />do we have a list of negatives that says what is actually wrong <br />with these things that are not within the punch list. <br />Owner's Representative Dean confirmed that we do and advised <br />that substantial completion by definition of the contract simply <br />means the building can be occupied and used as it was designed. <br />There are some items on the outside, such as landscaping, the <br />gutters, etc., that are being addressed. They did have a <br />conference with the architect yesterday, and these items are <br />mostly completed; there are still some to be completed on the <br />landscaping. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Wheeler to approve execution of the <br />Certificate of Substantial Completion. <br />Commissioner Wheeler understood there was some problem with <br />noise in air conditioning in the 911 room, and he wished to know <br />if that has been corrected. <br />Mr. Dean confirmed that has been corrected, but explained <br />that this substantial completion does not address the 911 room at <br />all; that will be coming before the Board later on. <br />THE CHAIRMAN CALLED FOR THE QUESTION. <br />It was voted on and carried unanimously. <br />COPY OF CERTIFICATE W/ATTACHMENTS ON FILE IN OFFICE OF CLERK TO <br />THE BOARD. <br />DEC 2 2 1997 13 ROOK 70 F-nE.393 <br />L- <br />