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r � <br />Boa 70 FN c 403 <br />purposes, and that is why we did not expand on the definition. <br />Mr. Dorsky's concern is now on the record, and he felt the Town <br />should have no concern. <br />Mr. Dorsky then wondered why Indian River Shores.was <br />mentioned under 5d. for ten minutes response time, and no time <br />was allotted for Vero Beach. He was informed that the City is <br />included under the County Volunteer Ambulance Squad. <br />"Buck" Vocelle, Jr., president of IRCVAS, felt that Commis- <br />sioner Eggert and her committee have made an admirable effort to <br />draft an ordinance, but he wanted to go on record as being <br />opposed to the need for such an ordinance at all. He felt the <br />ordinance is an unreasonable restriction which is not mandated in <br />this county because volunteer squads provide service in the <br />majority of the county, and he believed the ordinance as drafted <br />was taken from an ordinance directed at paid squads. Mr. Vocelle <br />also believed the time limits proposed create the potential for <br />excessive speed and that it might open the county up to some <br />liability if they impose time limits that can't be met. <br />Emergency Director Wright commented that the response times <br />have been addressed in the committee on two or three occasions, <br />and he believed at the last meeting the squads were in agreement <br />with the times proposed. <br />Commissioner Eggert confirmed that these response times were <br />agreed on by the committee. <br />Commissioner Bird asked if the County Attorney felt we need <br />any additional language to protect us against any possible <br />liability, and Attorney Vitunac did not. He pointed out that <br />right now there are no time requirements; we are actually giving <br />them more protection, and he felt with an EMS Director, we are <br />doing the best we can. We also have our sovereign immunity. <br />Commissioner Bird felt Mr. Vocelle is saying mandatory times <br />will inevitably cause problems, but Commissioner Eggert pointed <br />out that the ordinance calls for "average response time." <br />28 <br />