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BOOK 70F'UE98 <br />elite on the government payroll to get a cost of living raise <br />every year and the poor man on Social Security is getting <br />nothing, or if they do, it is taken out by Medicare. Mrs. <br />Strickland was proud of asking for the $300,000 to provide low <br />income housing. <br />Chairman Scurlock noted that his point was that $300,000 <br />also is taxes. <br />Commissioner Wheeler pointed out that the Board sat here and <br />listened to all the various requests at Budget sessions and -tried <br />to be objective about what we pay taxes for. He noted that he <br />doesn't like paying taxes either, but we have a certain <br />responsibility to see that services are provided and maintained. <br />We have to have a place to put garbage, but nobody wants to pay <br />for it. <br />Nancy Offutt came before the Board representing the Chamber <br />of Commerce and Board of Realtors and advised that neither takes <br />a position on the issue being discussed; however, she felt the <br />comments made by the public really deserve note, and would <br />suggest that they speak to the need for a diversification of our <br />tax base through economic development and other innovative means <br />of providing relief to the residential tax payer. There must be <br />a realistic balance of how the taxes are borne, and Mrs. Offut <br />pointed out that not all can afford to maintain the exclusiveness <br />and ambiance of the Indian River community. <br />Fred Mensing, Roseland, understood there is a law which <br />allows senior citizens, if they can show their taxes are taxing <br />them out of their homes, to pay 50 of their income and not be put <br />out of their home. If that is correct, he wished to know if the <br />special assessments fall into that Bill. <br />Attorney Vitunac pointed out that special assessment is not <br />a tax, and there are no provisions for putting that off. <br />Mr. Mensing then spoke in favor of getting the Tax Collector <br />to enclose with his bills stickers per residence giving them <br />access to the transfer station and dump. He also felt the fine <br />48 <br />