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facility. He believed if they include acoustic treatment within <br />the design for Pod "D", that cost will be significantly less. <br />Mr. Silver continued the presentation, and advised that they <br />are now providing about 3500 sq. ft. of storage area for the <br />inmates' personal property on the first and second floors <br />combined, and this is geared to total build -out and 1200 inmates. <br />Capt. Reese noted that this would also include storage of <br />other things such as jail uniforms, etc. <br />Mr. Silver stressed that we are building very inexpensive <br />space at this point; it is completely unfinished except for <br />whatever air handling is needed to control humidity. The <br />expansion of the clinic will keep the same traffic flow of <br />reception of the inmates at the nurse's station and will provide <br />4 exam/holding rooms and two inmate sick bays with provisions to <br />house four inmates. He then explained the traffic flow of inmate <br />processing that would result from building the new kitchen <br />facility and remodeling the old kitchen into a booking and pre- <br />" booking holding area, noting that they would utilize the existing <br />corridor as connector to the kitchen and they anticipate half the <br />new kitchen would be utilized now and part would be for dry goods <br />storage. This allows for buck storage. <br />Commissioner Wheeler did not see why this couldn't be <br />designed in such a way that we could utilize outdoor storage and <br />outdoor coolers rather than use up valuable indoor space, but Mr. <br />Silver noted that what we are talking about are walk-in coolers <br />and freezers and if they are not housed inside there would be a <br />security problem in that there will be inmates working in the <br />area. The D.O.C. requires that you have to have doors that are <br />mechanically or electrically secure if any inmate has access to <br />the room itself. <br />Capt. Reese noted that security doors are $15,000 apiece. <br />Mr. Silver then reviewed the plans for the second floor, <br />emphasizing the difference in size of the proposed pod control <br />room, which is to be manned by one person rather than two. He <br />AP's 121988 <br />32 <br />BOOK 72 PAGE 32 <br />