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Utilities Director Pinto stressed that we want to be very <br />sure that the location we have chosen for the grinder unit does <br />not conflict with anything that is planned.. <br />Commissioner Bird asked if some of the kitchen equipment <br />will be relocated to the new kitchen when the existing kitchen <br />gets completely renovated to another use. <br />Mr. Silver stated that whatever is re -usable will be <br />salvaged, and he is meeting with his new kitchen consultant and <br />will go through the existing kitchen and begin this exact <br />determination. <br />Commissioner Bird asked if the existing kitchen is adequate <br />for what we now have, and Mr. Silver stated it is awfully tight. <br />Capt. Reese reported that it is not adequate. They can only <br />fit two pots on the stove at the same time - they have a boiler <br />that stays down about 60% of the time because of the ignition <br />system on it - there is a roller system for trays that they have <br />never been able to use. He believed the architects paid someone <br />to design the kitchen for them and it is a designer's nightmare. <br />Mr. Disney confirmed they did have someone design the <br />kitchen; they are not using that person any longer; and they <br />accept responsibility for that. <br />Discussion ensued at length regarding the need for adequate <br />planning for the future so we don't underbuild, and Commissioner <br />Bird believed we were advised two years ago that what was planned <br />was sufficient, and he would hope that in another five years <br />someone isn't going to be coming back and saying sorry, fellows, <br />we fouled up again. <br />Mr. Silver believed that if what they recommended in the <br />first place had been built, we wouldn't have ended up with these <br />situations. <br />Chairman Scurlock noted that the Board hired Frizzell <br />specifically because of their great knowledge of this particular <br />type of construction, but we have had many problems and he felt <br />34 <br />APR 121988 <br />BOOK .72 FACE 34 <br />