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To the southeast of the subject property are many 'small <br />commercial/industrial buildings zoned IL, Light Industrial. To <br />the south of the property is vacant land zoned CH and IL. <br />Further to the south is an auto body shop zoned IL. To the west <br />of the subject parcel is a plant nursery currently zoned CH and <br />RS -6. <br />Future Land Use Pattern <br />The Comprehensive Plan designates the south 240 feet of the 5.6 <br />acre parcel as follows: <br />1. The south 90 feet of the south 240 feet - MXD <br />2. The north 150 feet of the south 240 feet (subject land) <br />- LD -2. <br />All land within 600 feet of Oslo Road and south of the subject <br />land is designated as the Oslo Road MXD. All land surrounding <br />the subject land and north of the 600 foot dimension is LD -2. <br />Analysis <br />Generally, the staff does not recommend approval of expanding an <br />MXD. Expansion of an MXD can often lead to commercial/industrial <br />encroachment into residential districts. Since MXD's were <br />created specifically for areas of mixed uses, expansion is <br />usually not consistent with the purpose of the MXD designation. <br />However, this particular situation is unusual. The existence of <br />the single-family structure and its use as an office gives this <br />parcel a mixed use character. This is a situation where a <br />nonresidential use extended beyond the delineated MXD boundaries. <br />Various safeguards are currently in place which would mitigate <br />any adverse effects on the surrounding residential areas: First, <br />the illegal office would be required to receive site plan <br />approval for the change of use from residential to office. This <br />will require that a nonencroachable bufferyard be established and <br />visual screening be put into place. This action -would actually <br />improve the existing conditions by decreasing any existing <br />adverse effects. Second, the County could initiate, or entertain <br />requests for, rezoning to multi -family for the lands north of <br />this property and surrounding the County's water plant. <br />Multi -family zoning would permit variations in site design to <br />further buffer residential development from the <br />commercial/industrial uses in this area. Third, the County can <br />control additional requests for expansion of the MXD through the <br />land use amendment/rezoning process. <br />Although this request appears to lend itself to setting a <br />precedent for additional MXD expansion on adjacent property, the <br />staff does not feel that this is the case. First, this request <br />will remedy an existing problem, that being the current operation <br />of a business on the property included in this request. This is <br />not the same as a similar amendment request for vacant property. <br />Second, the 150 feet of additional MXD depth for this portion of <br />the district is not a major encroachment into a residential area, <br />and it only includes that portion of the overall 5.6 acre parcel <br />which has•been operating as a business for at "least 10 years. <br />Third, the 1.11 acres involved in this request is not a <br />substantial increase in land with an MXD designation. <br />Transportation System <br />The site currently has access to 12th Avenue S.W.) designated as a <br />local road on the County's Thoroughfare Plan. The increase of <br />1.11 acres of land zoned CH will not have any substantial impact <br />on the current traffic situation. <br />21 <br />APR 2 6 1988 <br />BOOK 72 F►OE 180 <br />