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The Chairman determined that no one else wished to be heard <br />and thereupon declared the public hearing closed. <br />Commissioner Bird agreed with Mr. Ewing's recollection of <br />the history of how this took place and that it seems we are back <br />where we were in 1983, but as he looks at it today with the <br />traffic situation we now have on U.S.1. and the Boulevard, etc., <br />he felt the intensity of a 20 acre shopping center at this site <br />is improper and cannot be mitigated to properly handle the <br />traffic with the site plan that we saw and had to approve or <br />disapprove. He, therefore, felt that to reduce the size of the <br />commercial in this area to a maximum of 400' depth would make a <br />safer situation. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Bird, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Eggert, to transmit to the DCA our staff's <br />recommendation that the land use designation and <br />zoning of the subject property be retained for the <br />first 400 feet east of U.S.1, equaling approximately <br />10.5 acres, and that the land use designation for <br />the remaining easternmost 7.4 acres be changed from <br />Commercial to MD -2 and that this acreage be rezoned <br />from CL to RM -10. <br />Commissioner Eggert commented that this is a compromise for <br />her because in 1983 when she was on the Planning & Zoning <br />Commission and working on the Comprehensive Plan, she really felt <br />it all should be multi -family. In many ways she would rather <br />have this go all the way back to multi -family, but the commercial <br />has been there and now she feels at, least the 10 acres of <br />commercial should stay there. <br />Commissioner Wheeler asked if the 400' depth going east <br />abuts and lines up with the other piece of commercial mentioned <br />earlier or leaves a vacant piece in between. <br />56 <br />SPR 26 1988 <br />BOOK 72 Du <br />