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WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS (U.S.I FROM 10TH St. TO S. RELIEF <br />CANAL) - REVISED PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL <br />The Board reviewed memo from the Utility Department: <br />DATE: OCTOBER 12, 1988 <br />TO: <br />ACTING COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR <br />THRU: TERRANCE G. PIN <br />DIRECTOR OF UTILITY/iSE VICES <br />FROM: JACK PEARCE aZ 'a'. <br />COORDINATOR, SPECIAL PROJECTS <br />DEPARTMENT OF UTILITY SERVICES <br />SUBJECT: WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS - IRC PROJECT NO. US -87 -05 -DS <br />U.S.#1:FROM 10TH STREET TO SOUTH RELIEF CANAL — APPROVAL OF <br />RESOLUTION III AND REVISED PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT ROLL <br />WILLIAM G. COLLINS, II <br />BACKGROUND <br />The subject water system installation is ready for the approval of <br />Project No. US -87 -05 -DS initiation. <br />ANALYSIS <br />Resolutions establishing assessment criteria and setting up the Public <br />Hearing date have been passed. <br />Total estimated gross assessed cost is $194,443.50. This cost has been <br />distributed among the parcel owners on the basis of parcel square <br />footage. <br />The revision to the original Preliminary Assessment Roll includes <br />dropping the two Barnett parcels and the cost of the water line <br />($60,245.00) from 4th Street to the South Relief Canal, because of its <br />benefits to the total system. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />The staff of the Department of Utility Services recommends that the <br />Board of County Commissioners approve Resolution III for Project No. <br />UW -87 -05 -DS. <br />The County Attorney noted that this is the continuance of a <br />public hearing and no additional advertisement was necessary. <br />The Chairman asked if anyone wished to be heard. There were <br />none. <br />Attorney Vitunac informed the Board that the words "as <br />amended" need to be added to the Resolution since the figures <br />were down, and with the Board's permission, he will add them. <br />. • <br />11 <br />OCT 18 1888 <br />ElOOK °� 5:11 <br />