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Pr" <br />APR 111989 <br />BOOK <br />76 PACE 539 <br />Shopping Center is coming; and it will be a lovely area if we <br />don't permit it to be prostituted by individuals who are trying <br />to change the zoning that has been established. He believed we <br />have the responsibility to protect Winter Beach because it cannot <br />protect itself. He further believed that the requested zoning <br />would not be in the best interests of the County and that it <br />would set a precedent that would be difficult, if not impossible, <br />to control in the future. In conclusion, Mr. Mitchell commended <br />the Commission on their past efforts to protect Winter Beach, and <br />urged them to continue those efforts by denying this rezoning <br />request. <br />There being no others who wished to be heard in this matter, <br />the Chairman closed the Public Hearing. <br />MOTION WAS MADE by Commissioner Bird, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Eggert, that the Board rezone the subject <br />property from RM -6 to CL, Limited Commercial, as <br />recommended by the Planning & Zoning Commission. <br />Under discussion, Chairman Wheeler stated he was not going <br />to be able to support the Motion because he considered it strip <br />commercial, and because of the need for multi -family residential <br />in this county. <br />At the request of Commissioner Scurlock, Director Keating <br />explained that the CL zoning would permit convenience stores and <br />some limited repair shops such as shoe repair. <br />Commissioner Scurlock was concerned about some of the high <br />intensity uses that are allowed in the CL zoning district, <br />especially convenience stores. He agreed with Commissioner Bird <br />that there is a uniqueness here that doesn't lend itself <br />extremely welt to residential as the best use of the Land, and <br />wondered if there is a zoning category in between this and <br />residential that would not allow the higher intensity uses. <br />23 <br />