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APRT '1989 <br />BOOK 76 FACE <br />0`11 <br />e) <br />stated that there really is no standard that you go by, but they <br />suggested 125 spaces for the public and 20 for staff for a total <br />of 145. The proposed scheme shows 154 parking spaces which is <br />more than adequate. They also tried to get as many parking <br />spaces on the 21st street side as possible and a lesser number in <br />the 22nd Street lot behind the building because they feel the <br />primary entrance to the building will be from the 21st Street <br />parking lot since 21st Street is a thoroughfare. As to the <br />ingress and egress of vehicles on the site, they basically agreed <br />they want the traffic to come off a minor street; so, they have <br />created the major curb cut on 17th Avenue and just put a single <br />curb cut there. <br />Commissioner Eggert asked how far that curb cut is from 21st <br />Street, and Mr. Ugowski believed it is about 120'. Commissioner <br />Eggert noted that there will be an entrance into the existing <br />stores off 21st St. We have to leave that open for now but will <br />close it off when the stores are gone. <br />Question arose as to whether a curb cut off 17th Avenue will <br />be sufficient to handle all the traffic going into the parking <br />area south of the building when this is finished. <br />Mr. Ugowski advised that they originally had a curb cut on <br />16th and one on 17th, but the City was concerned about cars <br />speeding on through that thoroughfare and felt that one curb cut <br />would be sufficient. He noted, however, the library traffic is <br />generally less hectic than in other places such as a shopping <br />mall, for instance. As to the rear parking area shared by the <br />church, they will be using the existing curb cut that is <br />currently 22nd Street, and to avoid the thoroughfare aspect, they <br />put the second curb cut at the north end of that parking area on <br />16th Avenue. <br />Commissioner Bird asked how they plan to handle the sewer <br />line that is running through underneath the building. <br />14 <br />