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develops around and over the existing Trail, then the historic <br />character could be greatly diminished. <br />In staff's opinion, approval of the request would greatly enhance <br />the scenic value of the Trail and would meet the Management Plan <br />review criteria; the historic character of the Trail as a whole <br />would be better preserved than if development is placed around the <br />existing Trail in a manner that would greatly change the natural <br />character of the Trail. Approval with conditions offers access <br />control, buffering a scenic conservation area, and a significant <br />degree of coordinated joint County/Town control of the Jungle <br />Trail corridor in the project area; all of which can better <br />preserve the historic character of the Trail as a whole. <br />RECOMMENDATION: <br />Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioners make <br />findings that each of the Management Plan realignment review <br />criteria are met and recommends that the Board authorize the <br />Chairman to sign the attached resolution approving the abandonment <br />and realignment request upon the satisfaction of the following <br />conditions: <br />1. That the legal arrangement for obtaining dedication of the <br />proposed rights-of-way and the granting of easements and <br />buffers and conservation tract(s) to the County be approved <br />by the County Attorney's Office prior to final effect of the <br />abandonment; <br />2. that the applicant dedicate the proposed road rights-of-way <br />and conservation tracts and grant buffer easements to the <br />County for road, drainage, and vegetation preservation uses <br />along -the project's entire Jungle Trail frontage and that the <br />language establishing said areas ensures that the Jungle <br />Trail Management Plan "protected areas" provisions are met or <br />exceeded where applicable; <br />3. that the applicant grant to the County and the Town of Orchid <br />a conservation tract and buffer areas between the proposed <br />new Trail and S.R. A.I.A. (except for an area around the <br />project's entrance road not to exceed a total width of 2001) <br />and between the new Trail, and the project's south property <br />boundary located east of the existing Trail, for purposes of <br />preserving vegetation; <br />4. that the proposed 30' "habitable building setback" instead be <br />established and granted to the County, as a buffer area, <br />allowing only preservation of existing vegetation and the <br />location or construction of: <br />a. vegetative plantings, <br />b. fences or walls located at least 10' from the inner <br />(Trail -ward) boundary of the 30' buffer, <br />C. golf cart and/or pedestrian paths; <br />5. that the applicant grant 5' wide limited access easements <br />(can be in conjunction with buffer easements) to the County <br />along the project's entire Jungle Trail frontage, except <br />where there are existing approved driveways and the proposed <br />project entrance road and golf maintenance vehicle driveway; <br />6. that the applicant have in place historic information and <br />original alignment markers and that the applicant grant to <br />the Town and County an easement enveloping the, original <br />roadway alignment location such that the building of struc- <br />tures within the easement is prohibited and the prohibition <br />is enforceable. The applicant shall also mark and maintain <br />public visual access of the original alignment from the new <br />alignment and provide historical information regarding the <br />Trail prior to final effect of the abandonment. <br />39 <br />JUN 210 '11989 �oo� r F',4, 1 T <br />