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of the concerns that day were that this property abutted the <br />multi -family residential development to the north and that there <br />was joint use of that entrance which involved the multi -family <br />use and and the golf course maintenance facility use. He <br />explained that the original location of the golf course <br />maintenance facility was on the other side of Indian River <br />Boulevard and it adjoined multi -family use, the same as this. He <br />stated that they can change the access to that facility and pull <br />it down to the access that would be gained to the office complex <br />in the Grand Harbor complex. Modifying that access would <br />alleviate one of the Board's concerns in that they would take the <br />mix of traffic away from it. He advised that he had exhibits <br />with him today if the Commissioners wished to see them. <br />Commissioner Scurlock's main concern was about any <br />additional accesses to Indian River Boulevard, and Commissioner <br />Eggert added that even a shared access was a concern. <br />Mr. McQueen explained that this property was purchased from <br />the Laughton property, and that the remainder of the Laughton <br />property, part of the dedication of that right-of-way through <br />there, was contingent upon the Laughton property and the Davis <br />property immediately north of this all sharing one access. So, <br />there is one access at the corner of these 4 separate parcels now <br />that would serve the two multi -family parcels on the west side, <br />the two multi -family parcels on the east side and the golf course <br />maintenance facility, which is where the plat presently has the <br />entrance into the golf course maintenance facility. <br />Commissioner Bird understood that the facility really would <br />not be creating another entrance, but would be sharing an <br />6 <br />entrance that is already provided, but Commissioner Eggert <br />pointed out that Mr. McQueen showed the Board that aspect before. <br />Mr. McQueen explained that part of the negotiated agreement <br />on the dedicated right-of-way was that entrance would be provided <br />and that these parcels would provide some of the additional <br />9 <br />iJUL 111989 <br />