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1 V� <br />c -j <br />S <br />15 �yy <br />®CP <br />F� �� �- ) <br />F�a,,r 46 <br />Fred Smeltzer came before <br />the Board and stated <br />that he was <br />told by his neighbor that you didn't have to hook up if you <br />didn't want to, and he wished to know if that is true. <br />Commissioner Scurlock explained that there are two elements <br />to it. There is a special assessment to pay for that portion of <br />the line that goes in front of your property, and in addition to <br />that, at the time you actually did receive service, you then <br />would pay for the ERUs you are requesting service for. Commis- <br />sioner Scurlock continued that Director Pinto had indicated that <br />if the property owners were willing to agree forever to only <br />develop their property at one unit per acre, the assessment would <br />I <br />be based on that as opposed to paying for the ERUs needed for <br />future potential development. Certainly at some time the <br />expansion of the sewer will make that property worth a good deal <br />more, and he personally questioned if the owners would be willing <br />to enter into such an agreement. <br />Mr. Smeltzer could only speak for himself. He stated that <br />he has put 5 acres up for sale and will keep 3. When his acreage <br />sells, he will pay this off, but right now he cannot afford to <br />make these big payments on a 5 year basis. <br />Commissioner Bird asked what the assessment on Mr. <br />Smeltzer's property would be, and what the initial payment is <br />that he has to make. <br />Director Pinto stressed that everyone must understand that <br />the project hasn't been built yet. We have just done the <br />preliminary assessment and are just awarding the bids. After <br />that, the project will take 3-4 months to complete; then we come <br />back for final assessment, and for 90 days after that, these <br />people have the option of extending into a payment plan or paying <br />the whole amount. Mr. Smeltzer has one parcel of 190,312 sq. ft, <br />and a second parcel that has 13,485 sq. ft. The second parcel <br />more reflects what a normal single family home would be assessed, <br />or $1,284. The 190,000 sq. ft., which is acreage we have to look <br />at as potential development, would be assessed about $18,000. <br />26 <br />-d <br />