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_I <br />AUG 2 2 JG89 <br />BOOK 7 d FA"I 6S <br />3. protection of cars parked "head in" toward each other; <br />4. more efficient use of spaces; prohibits cars from <br />pulling too far into a -stall and "double parking" or not <br />pulling in far enough and encroaching into driving <br />aisles; <br />5. more safety by channelling traffic along driveways; <br />prohibits "cut -through" traffic. <br />Negatively, wheelstops can: <br />6. function as impediments to good drainage system mainte- <br />nance (such as sweeping) and as sediment traps which can <br />adversely affect drainage system maintenance; <br />7. cause foot injuries to pedestrians crossing over spaces; <br />8. diminish the aesthetics of a parking area, especially in <br />larger parking lots. <br />In staff's opinion, protection of pedestrians and landscape areas <br />are positive factors that should not be "traded -off" or "bal- <br />anced -out" against any negative effects of wheelstops. Pedestri- <br />ans and landscape areas need to be protected by a physical barrier <br />such as a wheelstop, curbing or other equivalent. Thus, in <br />staff's opinion, the County should not consider deleting or <br />waiving the wheelstop requirement for parking spaces that "head <br />into" either pedestrian or landscape areas. <br />In staff's opinion, the positive factors listed as #3-5 could, in <br />some cases, be offset by the negative factors listed as #6-8. In <br />such cases the benefits of wheelstops might not exceed the costs, <br />and waivers may be warranted. Factors #3-5 relate to traffic <br />control ("channelling" flow) and aesthetics which could be ad- <br />dressed with various design solutions that do not require wheel <br />stops. <br />-Comparison of Requirements <br />Other jurisdictions were contacted to provide a comparison of <br />wheel stop requirements. All jurisdictions contacted, with the <br />exception of St. Lucie County, require wheel stops (or equivalent) <br />where spaces abut landscape or pedestrian areas. Some of the <br />jurisdictions require wheelstops (or equivalent) for all spaces, <br />as does Indian River County currently. However., some juris- <br />dictions allow certain types of "waivers" for certain interior <br />parking spaces. There seemed to be agreement on factors, pro and <br />con, relating to wheelstop requirements (see attachment #4). <br />These factors were previously outlined by staff. <br />In general, where wheelstop requirements are allowed to be waived <br />in other jurisdictions, interior landscaping with increased width <br />dimensions (to accommodate tree plantings rather than ground cover <br />only) is encouraged as a design solution to provide aesthetic <br />quality. Such larger landscape areas also provide "visual cues" <br />that break-up parking areas and help keep drivers from cutting <br />through parking spaces where wheelstops are not provided. Based <br />upon responses from planners in other jurisdictions and informa- <br />tion provided by the applicant's traffic and parking experts, it <br />appears that driver behavior can be influenced by "visual cues, <br />and that there may be design solutions other than the use of <br />wheelstops to address positive factors #3-5. <br />24 <br />M M M <br />