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AUG 2 3 <br />1989 <br />BooK <br />77 P,,IjE 747 <br />the <br />County <br />shall maintain or reduce densities within <br />the hurri- <br />cane vulnerability zone through such means as transfer of <br />development rights and public acquisition of property. He noted <br />that to him -this says zero development. <br />Commissioner Eggert felt it only says "if necessary," and <br />Director Keating agreed that "if necessary" is what is implied. <br />Chairman Wheeler believed we don't have to do anything <br />unless we want to increase the densities. <br />OBJECTIVE 12 LOCAL PLANNING <br />Indian River County will coordinate land use planning activities, <br />the provision of facilities and services, and the funding and <br />implementation of programs with other local governments and <br />regional agencies. - NO COMMENT <br />OBJECTIVE 13 PLAN AMENDMENT AND REVIEW <br />Indian River County will provide a mechanism for the review and <br />amendment of the land use element and the other components of the <br />comprehensive plan. <br />Commissioner Eggert had a question regarding the wording of <br />the second sentence in POLICY 13.1, and it was clarified that <br />applications for amendment may be submitted by the owner, by the <br />Planning staff, or by the Board of County Commissioners. <br />OBJECTIVE 14 PROTECTION OF PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS <br />Indian River County will ensure that land use regulatory activity <br />will be consistent with the protection of private property <br />rights. <br />Attorney Doug Kindler referred to the conservation area <br />designated in the middle of the following map located on Page <br />103.3 and wished to know if that area is all state or county <br />owned property or does it go into some private property: <br />22 <br />