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,AUG 20, <br />BOOK <br />.77 F',1EE <br />-191 <br />Planner Rohani <br />explained that the purpose also is <br />to get <br />rid <br />of blighted areas. <br />Mrs. Offutt continued to argue that there are plenty of <br />areas that aren't blighted that are subject to redevelopment, and <br />she still questioned taking somebody first who is redeveloping <br />their existing land without any financial commitment. <br />Director Keating noted that ideally this plan will make it <br />so that doesn't occur. <br />***** END OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ELEMENT ***** <br />INTERGOVERNMENTAL COORDINATION ELEMENT <br />Goal <br />It is the goal of Indian River County to have an effective, <br />accessible, and continuous system of intergovernmental <br />coordination to ensure consistency among local, regional, state <br />and federal plans and policies, to identify and resolve <br />conflicts, and to promote cooperation regarding implementation of <br />growth management plans within Indian River County. <br />OBJECTIVE 1 COORDINATION AMONG ALL LOCAL PLANS <br />The county will continue to utilize existing coordination <br />mechanisms or modify them, as needed, to ensure that the adopted <br />county comprehensive plan remains compatible with the school <br />board, other local governments' plans, and adjacent counties' <br />plans. - NO COMMENT" <br />OBJECTIVE Z COORDINATION OF LEVEL OF SERVICE STANDARDS <br />By 1990, the county will have an adopted formal coordination <br />mechanism with existing planning groups and agencies to exchange <br />information and coordinate adopted level -of -service standards in <br />the comprehensive plan with municipalities, adjacent counties, <br />the region, and the state. - NO COMMENT <br />66 <br />