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AUG 0 9 1990 <br />7 <br />covenants <br />in regard to use, but staff still tends to <br />go with <br />the <br />highest use. <br />Traffic Engineer Dudeck explaiped that one of the reasons we <br />have to do that, is, for example, in a.%situation such as we have <br />on Old Dixie where you are getting increased traffic on a daily <br />basis and you have the need for left turns. If you allow the <br />applicant to come in with only the lowest trip generation uses, <br />it will not require a left turn although in reality, it will. He <br />felt the best way and the fairest is to do what we are, but after <br />the development is built and operational, you then can get an <br />actual count and possibly take that back off the network, and <br />there may be some mechanism to come back to the impact fees and <br />give them a refund. <br />Director Keating stressed that we have to deal with concur- <br />rency at every step of the project, and we must project that <br />something is going to develop at the highest use and intensity <br />for which it is zoned. When you get to the site plan, we then <br />just look at what the developer says is going to be in that <br />building; that is the use we are assessing it for; and the <br />applicant doesn't have to pay the impact fee until after that. <br />Mr. Smith noted that what he is talking about is not impact <br />fees, but the construction fees for turn lanes, etc., which are <br />all out of pocket expenses. <br />Discussion continued, and Commissioner Wheeler pointed out <br />that when you put in a strip plaza, the uses change quite <br />frequently, and you have to plan for the highest use. <br />Chairman Eggert agreed that with the concurrency require- <br />ment, it is hard to allow for the lowest levels all the time. <br />She asked if every strip plaza will be treated as if it had a <br />convenience store in it, and Director Keating advised that if <br />they tell us at site plan time that it will be all retail, that <br />is what they will be charged for. We are not going to make them <br />plan for a convenience store, but we try to tell them that <br />10 <br />