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possibly they should plan for a restaurant or two and allow for <br />the traffic that is related. <br />Mr. Smith continued to protest that this can require the <br />developer to have to put in a turn lane costing thousands of <br />dollars, and Engineer Dudeck felt one of the problems is that <br />there has been no requirement to have a trip analysis until the <br />very end, and this is aimed at trying to provide for that. He <br />stressed that if people give staff a reasonably -accurate mix of <br />what is going in there, we can work with them. <br />Commissioner Bird felt that we can't always plan for the <br />ultimate, and tenants do change, but Director Keating again <br />emphasized that at site plan time we get the specifics. It was <br />further noted that it is not only bad for the county in general, <br />but it is bad for those specific businesses if they don't have <br />sufficient places to park or good traffic flow. <br />Carol Johnson came before.the Board speaking for the Chamber <br />of Commerce, Public Affairs. She complimented staff, but had <br />some problem on the way this is being presented since she did not <br />think that we have the continuity needed throughout these <br />chapters and was concerned that the public has no way to be able <br />to pinpoint the changes being made. She noted that in some <br />chapters the material being changed has been struck over and the <br />new material underlined which helps someone to zero in on the <br />changes, but that is not done consistently throughout. Mrs. <br />Johnson stressed the changes that were inadvertently made in the <br />Gifford area in the Comp Plan because the Board members did not <br />understand exactly what had been changed, and felt for the <br />Board's sake as well as the public's sake, this could be pre- <br />sented in a way to make it much easier to follow. <br />Director Keating explained with the change in format, a lot <br />of this is excerpted and taken out of small segments and moved <br />around, and they had difficulty with the underlining; however, he <br />felt this can be done from here on out for anything that is new. <br />AUG 0 9 1990 <br />