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r AUG Q S 'WU, 1' -7 <br />Attorney Dorothy Hudson commented that the condos she has <br />been involved with don't make it a covenant, but a rule, and they <br />have had no problem with this on the beach. <br />Mr. Gaskill believed that you can..have covenants on condos <br />but not on rental property. <br />Director Keating explained the reason for this requirement <br />is that we only allow minimum spaces for cars, and we don't want <br />them taken up with recreational vehicles. <br />Mr. Gaskill felt the figure of 50 or more units was an <br />arbitrary figure. <br />Commissioner Bird commented that he personally would not <br />expect to be provided with space -for his recreational vehicle, <br />but would rent space somewhere else, and he favored taking out <br />this requirement. <br />Attorney Collins noted we only wanted to provide an option, <br />and we can change this requirement and see whether it is a <br />problem or not. <br />Commissioner Bird favored taking this requirement out. <br />Chairman Eggert asked if there has been a problem that <br />brought this up, and Director Keating stated there was no <br />specific problem; it is just that we are real tight with multi <br />family project parking. He felt the alternative is that we can <br />just have a prohibition of recreational vehicle and boat parking <br />in multi family site parking lots unless there is a specific area <br />delineated for that purpose. <br />Commissioner Bird felt that would be better, and Director <br />Keating agreed this would be put in. <br />Warren Dill complimented staff on cleaning up the regula- <br />tions, but believed that on Page 2, in regard to Section 954.05 <br />(6) Bed and Breakfast, it had been agreed at the workshop session <br />that their parking requirements would go down to 2 spaces plus <br />one space per rentable room. <br />Director Boling agreed but explained that change just didn't <br />show up in this draft. <br />26 <br />