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John Sawyer, 655 39th Avenue, asked for clarification on the <br />costs associated with the assessment, and Mr. McCain explained <br />that the only immediate charge you will be responsible for is the <br />assessment cost. Property owners will not have to pay the impact <br />fee, the water meter charge or the deposit on the water bills <br />until such time as they hook up. He advised that although the <br />County has an ordinance in place that makes it mandatory for <br />homes to hook up to water when it becomes available, it is not <br />enforced unless someone comes in and applies for a building <br />permit. The only type of permit that would be exempt from that <br />would be the reroofing of a home. If you build a driveway, <br />garage, utility shed, etc., you will be required to hook up to <br />water at that time <br />Mr. Higinson noted that when he and John Sawyer circulated <br />the original petition for the assessment, they made up a letter <br />and every property owner in Citrus Groves was contacted either in <br />person or by registered mail. <br />Dale Dunayczan, 646 40th Avenue, asked if he chose not to <br />hook up now, would the hookup cost increase in the future, and <br />Commissioner Scurlock explained that costs are adjusted according <br />to the construction cost index every year, and in all likelihood, <br />the impact fee will edge up. He didn't see any major increase in <br />the next 2 or 3 years, however. The other concern is whether <br />there will be capacity when you want to hook up, because there is <br />no guarantee that capacity will be there. <br />Mr. McCain advised that when the project was permitted, the <br />capacity was deducted out of our existing plant. People do not <br />have capacity until they have paid their impact fees, but as far <br />as our tracking records for a given plant, this water capacity <br />has been -taken into account. <br />Chairman Eggert asked if Mr. McCain was saying that we are <br />holding capacity for this area even though the project is not <br />paid for, and Mr. McCain said that he was not saying that. He is <br />saying that it is used in the tracking by the regulatory agencies. <br />It goes in as information in the permit to construct <br />21 <br />AUG 211990 FOOK <br />the line, <br />�; <br />��l�o' <br />