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MOTION was made by Commissioner Scurlock, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Eggert, for the Board to approve the <br />Staff recommendation for the Department of Utility <br />Services -to proceed with the selection process for an <br />engineering firm for the design of deep well injection <br />systems for Indian River County. <br />Under discussion Commissioner Bowman said she would prefer to <br />spend money on something that would be more productive; she would <br />rather see us go out and buy a piece of real estate and create a <br />marsh, as they did in Orlando. She feels deep well injection <br />probably will be outlawed by the State in the future. <br />Commissioner Scurlock confirmed that the Utilities Division <br />has the same concern. He noted that the reuse master plan that was <br />done by Post, Buckley clearly indicates that the alternative of <br />deep well injection is not something we look forward to as a <br />resource conserve. It's only recommended based on cost <br />effectiveness and as a backup. In addition the well will be used <br />for leachate from the landfill which is something we do not want to <br />recycle. To compare the cost of that with land acquisition cost, <br />for a parcel the size of the 150 -acre sod farm we bought, for <br />instance, it would be 1-1/2 million dollars for the same area and <br />that capacity is far less than the storage we would have with the <br />deep well. He stressed that deep well injection disposal is only <br />intended for (1) leachate and (2) backup during wet weather. <br />Particular attention was paid by Post, Buckley in their master plan <br />to see if DER would permit disposal in a 1,000 -acre parcel and, <br />particularly, impoundment areas west of town but to this point they <br />have said "No" because the receiving body of water, the upper St. <br />John's marsh, is Class One Water. It provides potable drinking <br />water for Melbourne, and DER will not permit discharge into what we <br />think is an acceptable area. <br />As the Commissioner who oversees Utilities, Commissioner <br />Scurlock emphasized there is no desire to put reusable water down <br />a deep well never to recover it. It is only the cost impact and <br />the leachate issue combined with the backup that makes him want to <br />support the issue and that's why he made the motion. <br />Commissioner Bowman felt we could have a very productive <br />marsh, and Commissioner Scurlock was totally in agreement but <br />stressed that the St. John's and other agencies absolutely will not <br />budge on that issue because of ultimate discharge in Class -One <br />Water. <br />19 <br />JAN x.65 1991 <br />A <br />BOOK. 31 <br />