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I <br />B-4 AWARD OF CONTRACT <br />Indian River County reserves the right to reject any and all proposals. All qualified proposals <br />will be evaluated and acceptance will be made of the proposal(s) judged by Indian River County <br />to constitute the best service offered for the purpose intended. <br />Without being limited thereto, a proposal may be rejected if: <br />(a) The proposal does not strictly conform to applicable laws or to the requirements of the <br />Contract Documents. <br />(b) The proposal is conditional on factors not expressly provided or allowed for by the <br />Contract Documents. <br />(c) The proposal misstates or conceals any material fact in the proposal. <br />(d) The Proponent fails or refuses to promptly furnish the County information requested as to <br />his qualifications. <br />The County shall be held harmless and free from liability for any expenses incurred by <br />Proponents in responding to the request for proposals. <br />B-6 INTERPRETATION OF DOCUMENTS <br />Proposers may obtain interpretations, clarifications. and additional information regarding the <br />project at the Proponents' conference. <br />Questions, except for those asked at the Proponents' conference must be in writing and addressed <br />to the Solid Waste Manager, otherwise, they will not be answered. Written questions will be <br />received until ten days before the proposal date. Written answers to written questions will be <br />distributed to all Proponents. Written answers will be distributed up to within 5 days of the <br />proposal date, except to extend the proposal date. All other official correspondence concerning <br />the project should be directed to the Solid Waste Manager. <br />The County assumes no responsibility for oral instructions or suggestions. <br />B-7 CONFIDENTIALITY <br />The County is a government agency whose documents are open to public inspection. If the <br />proposal includes confidential material, the County will keep such material confidential as <br />permitted by law, but only if the following format requirements are met: <br />(a) Notice of existence of confidential information in the Proposal must be included in a <br />separate preface. <br />.S. <br />B-4 <br />W061711040-97 <br />