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ORDER NO. PSC-2018-0028-FOF-EI <br />DOCKET NO. 20180001 -EI <br />PAGE 10 <br />The avoided generation cost component considered avoided generation capital, avoided fixed <br />O&M, avoided transmission interconnection, avoided capital replacement, incremental gas <br />transport, and short-term purchases. The avoided system cost component considers the factors of <br />fuel savings, avoided variable O&M, and emission cost savings. FPL's CPVRR analysis <br />assumed that each project had an actual life of 33 years, with the analysis ending in 2050. <br />The emission cost savings consideration did not incorporate CO2 pricing until 2028. FPL <br />witness Enjamio identified ICF's CO2 emission's cost forecast as a major assumption in FPL's <br />economic analysis of its proposed solar PV generation projects. The CO2 cost projections used <br />in FPL's cost-effectiveness analyses are based on ICF's CO2 emission cost forecast dated <br />December 2016. ICF is a consulting firm with extensive experience in forecasting the cost of air <br />emissions and is recognized as one of the industry leaders in this field. FPL has used ICF's CO2 <br />emission cost forecasts in many of its filings, including the recently approved 2017 Ten Year <br />Site Plan. No intervenor offered testimony rebutting FPL's CO2 emission cost forecast or <br />provided any alternative emission cost forecast. For these reasons, we find that the CO2 cost <br />projections FPL used in this docket are reasonable and appropriate. <br />1. CPVRR Analysis - Initial Filing <br />We reviewed FPL's original CPVRR for the 2017 and 2018 solar generation projects that <br />produced a savings of $38.6 million for the base fuel and environmental forecasts. This <br />calculation included the previously mentioned CO2 pricing in 2028. FPL's CPVRR analysis in <br />support of its 2017-2018 Solar Plan included assumptions related to future fuel prices. The <br />Company employed its standard fuel forecasting methodology to produce its long-term fuel price <br />forecast. No alternative base fuel forecast was provided to us for the purposes of evaluing the <br />Company's 2017-2018 Solar Plan. We find that the forecasted fuel prices used in the <br />Company's CPVRR analysis associated with its current proposal are reasonable. FPL provided a <br />CPVRR analysis with both fuel and environmental compliance sensitivities. In FPL's analysis, a <br />Low, Medium, and High Fuel Forecast and ENV I, ENV II, and ENV III compliance costs were <br />considered. ENV I assumes an annual $0/ton cost for CO2 pricing and low environmental <br />compliance costs, ENV II assumes a most likely cost, and ENV III assumes high environmental <br />compliance costs. The range of savings is illustrated in Table 5 below: <br />Table 5 <br />Initial CPVRR Filing <br />Source: EXH 84 <br />2. CPVRR Analysis - Revised Filing <br />FPL witness Enjamio filed revised testimony August 2, 2017, providing an updated <br />economic analysis to reflect a change in cost effectiveness and cost assumptions for the 2017- <br />Environmental Compliance <br />Cost Forecast <br />Fuel Cost Forecast <br />ENV I <br />ENV II <br />ENV III <br />High ($63.5) ($136.4) <br />($291) <br />Medium $35 ($38.6) <br />($195.8) <br />Low 1 $127.3 1 $53.6 <br />$103.1 <br />Source: EXH 84 <br />2. CPVRR Analysis - Revised Filing <br />FPL witness Enjamio filed revised testimony August 2, 2017, providing an updated <br />economic analysis to reflect a change in cost effectiveness and cost assumptions for the 2017- <br />