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additional baseball field at Hobart Park and assign $110,000 to the restroom <br />facilities, provided the Architect could scale down the project to fit the budget. <br />RECOMMENDATIONS AND FUNDING <br />Attached for your consideration is Change Order No. 1 reflecting the changes made <br />and the Contract for the construction of the .Restroom Facilities at the County <br />Fairgrounds. Staff recommends that the Chairman be authorized to execute the <br />Contruction Contracts in the amount of $156,953.84 and Change Order No. 1 which <br />reduces the Contract amount to $110,665.48. Funding to be from 004.210-572- <br />066.29. <br />During discussion regarding the original budget for this <br />project, Director Davis explained that the original amount budgeted <br />was $80,000. Transferring $30,000 from the Hobart Park south <br />baseball field lighting project resulted in a total.of $110,000 <br />being budgeted to the restroom facilities. <br />ON MOTION by Commissioner Eggert, SECONDED by <br />Commissioner Adams, the Board unanimously (4-01 <br />Commissioner Bird being absent) approved contract <br />with John Vetter & Sons, Inc. in the amount of <br />$156,953.84, and Change Order No. 1 in the amount of <br />$(46,288.36), resulting in a net contract amount of <br />$110,665.48, as recommended by staff. <br />CONTRACT IS ON FILE <br />IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK TO THE BOARD <br />GIFFORD PARK PARKING LOTS AND COURT RESURFACING - IRC BID 3066 <br />The Board reviewed the following memo dated February 10, 1993: <br />TO: James E. Chandler <br />County Administrator <br />FROM: James W. Davis, P.E. <br />Public Works Director <br />SUBJECT: Award of Bids <br />Gifford Park Parking Lots and Court Resurfacing <br />IRC Bid $3066 <br />DATE: February 10, 1993 <br />DESCRIPTION AND CONDI'rICI R <br />In the 1991/92 annual budget, $31,535 was allocated for <br />parking lot paving improvements and tennis/basketball court <br />resurfacing. Bids were received on January 29, 1993, with <br />three bidders responding.. The low bid was submitted <br />JoBear, Inc., Palm Bay, Florida in the amount of $60,737.72. <br />47 <br />MAR ® 2 199,3 <br />800K 88 PAGE 975 <br />