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BOOK 8 9 <br />JUN 22 1993 <br />- Future Land Use Element Objective 5 <br />Future Land Use Element Objective 5 states that the county will <br />provide for a mix of land uses which permit and encourage a variety <br />of development patterns and densities to accommodate a diversity of <br />lifestyles. Currently, only a small amount land in the county is <br />designated Rural. The proposed amendment would create more Rurally <br />designated landf thereby allowing a more diverse mix of housing <br />types and densities. In this way the proposed amendment implements <br />Future Land Use Element Objective 5. <br />- Economic Development Element Objective 1 <br />Economic Development Element Objective 1 states that the county <br />will reduce its unemployment rate. The proposed amendment will <br />allow the most efficient and economically feasible delivery of <br />water and sewer service to the Oslo Road & 74th Avenue and the 1-95 <br />a C.R. 512 commercial/industrial nodes. The availability of water <br />and sewer service at these nodes will make the nodes significantly <br />more attractive to potential new employers. Therefore, the <br />proposed amendment is consistent with Economic Development Element <br />objective 1. <br />- Economic Development Element Objective 7 <br />Economic Development Element Objective 7 states that, by 1995, the <br />county will upgrade its water and sewer facilities to provide <br />adequate capacity for future economic growth. By delivering water <br />and sewer service to the Oslo Road & 74th Avenue and the 1-95 & <br />C.R. 512 commercial/ industrial nodes,, the county is providing <br />adequate capacity to accommodate future economJr- growth. The <br />proposed amendment will ensure that water and sewer service is <br />efficiently and economically provided to these nodes, Therefore, <br />the proposed amendment implements Economic Development Element <br />Objective 7. <br />Based on this analysis, it is staff's position that the proposed <br />amendment is consistent with the comprehensive plan. <br />Compatibility with the Surrounding Area <br />Amending the subject property's land use designation to Rural will <br />result in development which will be compatible with surrounding <br />areas. As indicated in Future Land Use Element Policy 1.90 Rural <br />residential areas serve as buffers between agricultural and urban <br />areas. <br />There are several areas where the subject property will act as a <br />transitional zone between residential areas of up to 8 units/acre <br />and agricultural areas of only 1 unit/5 acres. Presently, the <br />allowable density often increases by a factor of 40 from one side <br />of the street to the other. A Rural, 1 unit/acre designation will <br />reduce the abruptness of this transition from agricultural to urban <br />areas. <br />While there will be a density increase, the subject property will <br />remain low density. Therefore,, the impacts of developmentg, such as <br />increased traffic and noise, on adjacent residential areas will be <br />minimal. Additionally, the relatively large lot sizess even at the <br />maximum density of 1 unit/acre,, will function to somewhat mitigate <br />impacts by providing physical separation. <br />18 <br />