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M M M <br />within a road right-of-ways yet prohibit land uses on one side of <br />the road from connecting to those lines. - <br />Consequently, planning staff coordinated with the County Utilities <br />Department,, identified the location of all existing and planned <br />major water and sewer lines,, and determined which lines were <br />located in roadways serving as USA boundaries. In so doing, staff <br />questioned the need for placing major water and sewer lines within <br />rights -of -way of roads serving as USA boundaries. According to <br />utilities staf f and consultants, there are several reasons why <br />lines must be located where they are proposed. The principal <br />reason for situating lines in the referenced rights-of-way is that <br />alternative corridors have insufficient area to accommodate the <br />subject utility lines. These corridors are already too congested. <br />In conducting its analysis, staff addressed only those corridors <br />for which utility line installation is programmed to be completed <br />by 1995,, and the fast growing 58th Avenue corridor which was <br />designated a high priority in Future Land Use Element Policy 1.37. <br />Although the utility master plan provides for line installation in <br />other corridors by 2010 (see attachment -5). staff did not consider <br />these areas because of the longer timeframe. <br />Consistent with the requirements of policy 1. 37, staff assessed the <br />need to expand the USA adjacent to the road rights -of -way which are <br />programmed to accommodate major utility lines where those roadways <br />serve as USA boundaries. Through this assessment,, staf f determined <br />that the USA boundary should be expanded one quarter of a mile f rom <br />such roads. <br />Staff determined that one quarter of a mile would be an appropriate <br />depth for expanding the USA. This would provide suf f icient land to <br />accommodate development,, but not so much as to produce urban <br />sprawl. One area which is proposed as an exception to the quarter <br />mile expansion is 9th Street S.W. (Oslo Road), from 58th Avenue to <br />.74th Avenue. In this area, which is outside the USA# the boundary <br />would be expanded to include a half -mile wide strip, (a quarter mile <br />on each side) along that segment of 9th Street S.W. <br />The subject property consists of 3200 acres. The entire subject <br />property is currently designated AG -la, Agricultural -1 (up to 1 <br />unit/5 acres) on the county future land use map. The request <br />involves expanding the USA to include the subject property and <br />changing the land use designation of the subject property to R, <br />Rural (up to 1 unit/acre). This request will not affect the <br />subject property's zoning which is A-1, Agricultural District (up <br />to 1 unit/5 acres). <br />On April 22,, 1993, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted 5-0 to <br />recommend that the Board of County Commissioners transmit to the <br />State Department of Community Affairs (DCA) a land use amendment <br />that expands the USA, as recommended by staff, but which does not <br />change the land use designation of the subject property. <br />Existina Land Use Pattern <br />The entire subject property is zoned A-11 Agricultural District (up <br />to 1 unit/5 acres) and consists of groves,, ranchest various <br />agricultural usest homesteads, and vacant land. All of the <br />property is designated AG-li Agricultural -1, on the county future <br />land use map. The AG -1 designation permits agricultural uses and <br />residential densities up to 1 unit/5 acres. Since existing uses <br />vary throughout the subject property,, each of the five non- <br />contiguous tracts comprising the property is described separately <br />below. <br />BOOK 89 PgE <br />JUN 22 1993 <br />