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I . The Indian River County Public Works Director is authorized to <br />submit an application requesting $ 50,000 in financial assistance <br />from the Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program for <br />development of Donald MacDonald Park. <br />2. Indian River County has an officially adopted local <br />comprehensive plan, including a recreation and open space element, <br />pursuant to the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act, and <br />all segments of the public were offered an opportunity to <br />participate in the planning process leading to the adoption of this <br />document. <br />3. Indian River County has an on-going program of public <br />participation which encourages involvement by all segments of the <br />population within its jurisdiction, including minority and <br />disadvantaged citizens, in the planning for and selection of <br />recreation projects. <br />4. No County funds are proposed, since grants $50,000 and less do <br />not requrie matching funds. <br />5. Indian River County is in a fiscally and legally responsible <br />position to satisfactorily develop, operate and maintain the <br />project'site in accordance with program requirements. <br />6. The total cost of the grant project is expected to be $50,000. <br />7. The Indian River County Public Works Director is designated as <br />the official liaison agent and is authorized to accept the grant <br />and execute all appropriate documents and contracts for the purpose <br />of administering the grant for Indian River County, Florida. <br />8. The Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program <br />application is'a part of this Resolution. <br />9. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately <br />after its passage and approval in the manner provided by law. <br />PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 12th DAY OF October 1993. <br />BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />INDIAN RIVER COUNTY, FLORIDA <br />. <br />It <br />Richard N. Bird, Chairman <br />45 <br />®� 1993 BOOK <br />